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Spring Collection

Picture 1-Before

Picture 2-Before

Picture 3-Before

Picture 4-Before

Picture 5-Before

Picture 6-Before

Picture 1-After

Picture 2-After

Picture 3-After

Picture 4-After

Picture 5-After

Picture 6-After

When I think of spring, I think of flowers, trees. and rain. Because of that, I decided to take pictures of blooming plants, and a tree that has lost all its leaves from the winter, and will soon start to develop leaves. For the first picture the soil in the background reminded more of spring than anything else, it was damp and dark soil that is helping the plant grow. Although it is not the prettiest, it remind me of spring. The second picture, the sky in the background is very blue, which is rare in the spring because it is raining a lot. While taking the pictures, I did not think about the backgrounds but, for not thinking about it, I think they fit the topic very well.  My favorite image is the first one because I like the colors that were brought out and made more pink and more of a green. As well as the colors, I like the leaf and how it has its own designs, that bring out the uniqueness of the picture. My least favorite image is the tree, because it is kind of boring, because it is just black and white, and I do not like the bottom of the picture with the big bump of bark. Next time when I take my pictures, I am going to use a better phone to have a better quality of photos, and think about the backgrounds more. 

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